About HeartTending

Dream Warrior Story Mask

Dream Warrior Story Mask

Since the beginning of time, we have gathered in circle to drum, sing, dance, tell stories, weep, laugh…even howl. It is within the safety of circle we feel empowered and connected. In the light of this connection, we are free to call up what is hidden in the depths of our hearts, give it voice through colorful imagery, and honor its truth by telling our stories.

HeartTending helps us weave our own pieces together towards wholeness, birthing self-acceptance and heart-centered strength. It reconnects us with our own authenticity which then expands to a deeper connection with others.

Conceptually, HeartTending is founded in our human capacity for self-healing through art. To this end, ritual, art-making, and storytelling are synthesized into a holistic process that provides a way for individuals to uncover and give “voice” to the hidden effects of buried trauma including shame, grief, fear and pain, as well as access new inner resources of forgiveness, joy, wisdom and strength.

HeartTending serves as a bridge between ancient and contemporary methods for reconnection and healing. The ancient past comes alive through intentional circle ritual, creating a safe and sacred space for the discovery of stories buried within the imaginal cave of one’s own heart. Through art-making, past merges with present and future into a timeless visual story of wholeness and balance. When we gather together in storytelling—sharing our descent into the heart and back—we deepen our sense of belonging and community. We become empowered and reconnected.

Ritual Image SquareRitual creates a safe container in which healing and positive change can harmoniously occur. Practicing ritual in a manner similar to our ancient ancestors brings into our existence the immense power contained in the past and in its symbolic archetypes.

Art-making playfully accesses the unconscious and brings to light anything still lurking in the shadows. It gives voice to the repressed or undiscovered aspects within each of us through color, shape, and texture.

Storytelling, non-linear and organic in nature, resides within the marrow of our bone. Speaking authentically makes visible our rage, pain, vulnerabilities and fears, and places them out in the open, side-by-side with our joy, compassion and strength.

Power and Symbolism of the Circle in Ritual: The circle—throughout history, and across all cultures—has been a widely accepted symbol of wholeness, oneness, balance, and eternity. A circle closes a space, holding all that is within it safe, strengthened and protected. It is an ancient symbol—a space where all things and all people are equal.

“Everything an Indian does is in a circle, and that is because the power of the world always works in circles, and everything tries to be round.”

From the book, Black Elk Speaks: Being the Life Story of a Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux by John G. Neihardt


20120713_123653I have witnessed those who attend my healing art workshops emotionally release deeply buried images and feelings. Many of them have shared with me how the process brought forth stories and feelings they hadn’t previously been in touch with. One soft-spoken woman remarked, “I didn’t even know how much anger I had inside until I started painting. As you were guiding us through the cave meditation, I forgot anyone else was in the room. It all just came pouring out onto the canvas.”

The methods I employ for HeartTending are based on my belief that self-healing occurs as one embodies what is arising while creating the art regardless of any meaning attributed to the art and any understanding reached thereafter through the analysis of it. In my opinion, the actual process of creating art, and whatever arises while in process, results in a spontaneous embodiment of the meaning itself (whether that meaning is ever intellectually understood or not).

My beliefs and methods are not intended to replace or diminish the healing impact of analytical approaches or professional art therapy. My intension is merely to employ my experiential learning and contribute, through HeartTending, an alternative or supplemental approach to the current body of healing practice and theory. My ultimate goal is to offer an art-based approach to reconnection and self-healing and empower individuals who prefer to explore alternative and holistic methods.

To “heal” means to recover, to rebuild, to rectify. HeartTending helps facilitate all three.

Kim McAndrews, HeartTending®



© 2013 Kim McAndrews