Story Painting Workshops

Women reconnecting through art.

Women reconnecting through art.

Story Painting weaves simple ancient ritual, guided meditation, painting and storytelling into an enjoyable and memorable experience. HeartTending is a spiritual, non-denominational, healing journey into the subconscious. No previous art experience needed!

Story Painting 3-Hour Workshop

$60/person for groups of 5 or more.

$75/person for small groups of 2–4.

$150/person for private, individual sessions.

All art supplies are provided.

Custom HeartTending workshops are also available for groups and individuals. For pricing and information, email

Workshop participant Story Painting

Workshop participant Story Painting

HeartTending is not licensed art therapy. Participants take full responsibility for self-care concerning their physical, psychological and spiritual well-being. Participants agree to seek professional treatment should anything arise as a result of HeartTending that requires further healing attention.


Click on the painting below to watch a time-lapse video of the Story Painting process.

Time Lapse Final V